Monday, July 16, 2012

Google Student Ambassador Summit: Day 2

Hello! :) So, day 2! Let's go!

The second day was generally learning more about Google and their different products and services. One of the first things we learned was about the culture at Google. As you will see in the next few photos, it's pretty chill, casual, colorful yet simple. The environment makes you want to match up to its creativity and simplicity which I think is important when you're talking about Google. 

If it's one of the few things that come into mind when I think about Google besides it being worldwide, big-time, and "Google's mission is to organize the world's information and make it universally accessible and useful.", it's that it's all about creativity and simplicity. Don't you feel that when you're using your gMail or Youtube? It's easy to use. :) 

Anyways, that definitely wasn't the perfect explanation of the culture but I just wanted to share what I felt and what I picked up from the talk and my stay there. Definitely, there's a lot more I'll learn throughout this whole year and there's a great possibility that I'll share it with you guys in the future.

Treats table :) 

Sunday, July 15, 2012

Google Student Ambassador Summit: Day 1

Taking risks is definitely one of the most rewarding things EVER. far

It all started with an application that one day of March 2012. I sent in my application to this Google Student Ambassador program not knowing what the outcome would be. It was those things I didn't tell anyone until I found out the outcome. When May arrived, 120 students from across Southeast Asia got emails telling them they were selected to be the Google Student Ambassadors for Southeast Asia for school year 2012-2013. 

There was one thing really risky for me though. We had to attend a summit in Singapore for three days. The opportunity cost of going to Singapore would be missing classes and having to catch up in missed lessons and take make-up exams. The no-brainer decision, the experiences and lessons I will have and learn, plus the people I would meet in Singapore would definitely over power the norm of going to school. But also, if Google told you they were paying for your airplane rides, hotel accommodation, and all your meals, wouldn't you say YES immediately too? :))

The Filipino Google Student Ambassadors first time to assemble as a group.

A Second Hello

Hello there! :)

Over the years, I've had many attempts at blogging but none that I really stuck to and shared to people. If I counted the number of blog usernames and blog service providers I've used, then ten fingers wouldn't be enough. Specifically, this blog has had one entry for about two months now but I deleted it prior to posting this one.

You see, there's always this part in me wherein I want to share my perspective on so many different things. The only thing that was hindering me was stepping out of the status quo or the stereotype I was categorized in. A year and a half ago, I was did not want to be judged for things that didn't fall under the student-council-vp-cheerdancing-co-choreographer-super-happy-girl category I was in. It was definitely a great category but I didn’t want to be limited to it. But as time went by, I realized I was limiting myself.

A year ago, I met so many new people from different walks of life; everyone with their own story and their own perspective. Everyone whose stories amaze me. Their stories made me know their perspective on things which made me understand where they were coming from and most of the time, opened my eyes to new things and new ideas. That’s why I started this blog two months ago. This blog will be my avenue to share my story and my perspective. It’ll be the place where I will share things that won’t fit in a status on Facebook or 140 characters on Twitter.

I want to share about a really great restaurant I’ve eaten in, the really great architecture of a city I’ve just been to, a really good book I just finished reading, or generally thoughts and ideas about LIFE. The list goes on and on.

Anyways, I don’t want to bore you with this long explanation about why I have this blog and instead, start posting!! J

It’s probably time to put life into this blog which has been deserted for quite some time.